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I was making cheese the other night and spilled some of the wax for coating the cheese on my favorite pajama pants. Yes, I was making cheese in my pajamas. 🙂 I looked around to try to find a way to get the wax out. I found this article here that said you can just wash them out in the washing machine.
I figured I had nothing to lose, so I put the pants in the washer on hot water, added my detergent along with 1/2 cup vinegar and 4 tbsp. dish soap. I let them soak for 15 minutes and then let the washer run. When I pulled them out it had lighten a lot, but you could still see where the wax was, so I put them in for one more round and the wax was all gone.
I was so happy to have all of the wax out. So if you ever have a crayon issue, this should help you out.
Removing Wax from Clothes
- Fill Washing Machine up with hot water and add detergent, 1/2 cup vinegar and 4 TBSP. Dish Soap.
- Let clothes sit in washing machine for 15 minutes.
- Let washing machine run through the cycle.
- Repeat if neccessary.
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